Thursday, November 29, 2012



I don't know what we have been up to the last 2 weeks that has been so exhausting, but it has required an 8pm bedtime every night. I blame daylight savings. Sorry no posts. So its time for quick run down of the last two weeks....

Matt got clocked in the face by a tiny fist of fury.

Clark is getting used to eating off a plate. We are still working on the concept that a plate remains on the table while he eats.

 For some reason using a plate at meals requires the removal of pants (and the addition of dirty socks).

Matt's family came into town for Thanksgiving and we finally got to meet Matt's sister's new boyfriend. They are a great match. We went Duck Pin Bowling with the whole family over the weekend. This place was awesome and I wanted more pictures, but it was entirely too tempting and dangerous for a 1 year old so I was on Potamus Patrol most of the time. The old building had COLIE written all over it, it was like it was made just for me.

We decorated our Christmas Tree. We put it in the basement this year just ward off the million NO, DON'T TOUCH. DANGERs that were going to be inevitably yelled until New Years. Out of sight, out of mind, but a special surprise when we go in the basement.

In my head I pictured a delightful evening filled with carols in the background and a giggly little boy helping decorate the tree.

In reality this is what the evening looked like...


Whenever he sees the lights on the tree come on he says "OOOOO, WOW!"

Look closely, you can see his dinner making a cameo on his shirt

That's the extent of our last two weeks.

Time for bed.

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